I use kinesiology to align you to what you want and use coaching concepts and life experience to help you to take action and meet your potential

I specialise in strategy, alignment and reprogramming the subconscious mind using kinesiology.
I combine my corporate experience with professional coaching, wisdom from years of practical coaching experience, intuition and proprietary technology to get to the heart of ANY problem and bring awareness to and dissolve whatever is specifically blocking you from the success you are seeking.

Get to the heart of the problem and start experiencing the life you want

I have operated a full-time, by referral, successful by any standards, coaching business and up until 2023 without a website, advertising or any social media. While knowledge, business experience and self-belief are essential ingredients to being able to deliver the magic I am known for, the keys to my success are enduring faith and commitment to being in full alignment with what I do and offer.

It's not enough to just be intelligent, have knowledge, or use props to make you look successful.

True success starts when you are in alignment and who you say you are is who you are actually being - not sometimes but unconditionally.

Being successful does not come from copycatting, doubting yourself or pretending to be something you are not. True success requires a levelling up within yourself first and becoming unconditionally confident and certain in your capabilities so you are motivated to take aligned action. 

True success can be measured by the totality of your decisions aligned with integrity and it’s at this elevated place where who you say you are to the world matches the feeling people intuitively feel about you.

Now is the time to take control of what you can control and work on yourself.

During sessions with me, you will understand what it truly means and feels like to be in alignment and you will understand and prioritise cultivating an unwavering intention so you can take value-driven action towards your goals daily and be able to let go of trying to control what you can't control anyway.

Then, you will connect with a higher aspect of yourself that takes you from confusion and anxiety to absolute trust and decisiveness.

It is here, being this aligned and authentic version of you where you can now reinvent yourself, up level your life, career or business, start your own business or step into the meaningful work that you are meant to do.

Are you ready?

Allow me to support and guide you through the process of change. 
Book my 6 hour signature programme.

Reasons why people see me...

  • Debilitating anxiety

  • Unable to physically manifest

  • Feeling stuck and limited

  • Lack of self-belief

  • Inability to generate more money

  • Want to improve communication

  • Unsure of next chapter

  • Tendency to take on too much

  • Low or too trusting

  • Unable to hold onto money

  • Disconnected from emotions

  • Can’t say no

  • Lack of clarity

  • Unmanageable stress

  • Unable to self-express

  • Lack of wellness and vitality

  • Trying to prove worthiness

  • Disconnected with instinct

  • Want to improve relationship with self

  • Can’t reach or maintain ideal weight

  • Scarcity mind-set

  • Fear of public speaking

  • Weak or no boundaries

  • Conditional confidence

  • Income limitations

  • Prematurely ageing

  • Financial woes and worries

  • Working too hard

  • Lack of conviction and not taking action

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • In the midst of a crisis

  • Health issues

  • Want to get out of debt

Take control of your experience

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How many sessions do you need?

The number of sessions required really depends on how ingrained the problem is and how much the subconscious mind would like to release in each session. Sometimes the problem can be resolved in a single session and sometimes several sessions are required. It is my experience that change happens in stages and often there are layers to be resolved first before reaching the heart of the problem.

This is the way that the subconscious does it so you can safely process the changes, integrate the learnings, and experience the harmony that alignment and resolving issues at the unconscious level, brings.

If you would like an experience, I would recommend a 2H Personal Evolution Session. This is a powerful session that will bring about immediate, noticeable changes in how you feel and allow you to see yourself and life differently.

However, if you would like to break through a specific problem, I recommend the 6H Personal Evolution Package or a 12-Week Personal Evolution Programme.

To learn more, please contact me directly

Can’t wait?

Allow me to support and guide you through the process of change. 
Book your first two hour session

What does alignment mean?

  • Being in alignment means you are in harmony with yourself and more specifically who you are on a conscious level is in agreement with who you are on a subconscious level.

  • Being in alignment means the energy of what you say to others matches the energy that others intuitively feel about you. Therefore, choosing you feels like the right decision.

  • Being in alignment means you can expect to use do less persuading, and forcing and more attracting and magnetising business to you because when people want a product or service, it’s your name or your face that springs to mind first.

  • Being in alignment gives you a natural competitive advantage because you become the one chosen over your competitors based on the positive gut feel a client instantaneously get about you in person, over the phone or from looking at your website.

What You Need To Know

1. Sessions are via mobile phone/ cell or WhatsApp audio

2. All sessions conducted remotely via cell

3. Zoom calls are available by request and incur a surcharge

4. Terms and conditions apply and are automatically agreed to when purchasing a session