Terms and Conditions of Use of Website

1. Acceptance of Terms

These General Conditions of Contracting and Use ("Terms") apply to visitors to the website as well as any commercial transactions conducted through the available online store. By navigating the website and making purchases, you acknowledge and accept these Terms. Your use of the website signifies your agreement to these Terms and the prevailing privacy policy. The content on this site is protected by law. Any changes to these terms will be posted on the websites, and your continued use implies acceptance of the updated terms. If you do not accept these Terms, please discontinue your use of this website immediately.

2. Information and Data Privacy

To facilitate the proper functioning of this website, we may collect information and data about you for registration and online purchases. We commit to maintaining the complete confidentiality of this data, using it exclusively for the private purposes of the brand. You are authorised to use the website's content strictly for personal purposes unless permission is expressed in writing by Alison Field. We reserve the right to use legal means to enforce our rights in the event of misuse of the websites or any unauthorised use of the content.

3. Compliance with Australian Law

All goods and services marketed on this website are in accordance with Australian Law. We are not liable for any losses suffered due to factors outside our control, including delays, interruptions, errors, or suspensions of communications caused by third-party communication services, computer systems, modems, connection software, computer viruses, or file downloads containing viruses.

4. Modification and Interruption of Service

We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or terminate any services at any time. We will attempt to inform users of any service interruptions when possible, but we are not obligated to do so. Any information or messages left by users on the websites will be considered the property of Alison Field and shall not be deemed confidential.

5. Responsible Use

Users agree not to use the site for posting and dissemination of discriminatory, obscene, pornographic, defamatory comments, or any content that may violate Australian law. The site may contain links to third-party websites ("linked sites"), and the privacy policy does not apply to these sites.

Users agree to provide correct personal data and addresses, not use false identities, and respect order limits where applicable. If incorrect or insufficient data causes a delay, impossibility in order processing, or non-delivery, the user is responsible. The commercial resale of products and services purchased is expressly prohibited.

6. User Responsibilities

7. Terms for Sessions, Programmes and Mentorship

A separate terms and conditions will apply to sessions, programmes and mentorship. This will be provided at the point of sale and is also below. When you pay for a session, a package of sessions, programme, or mentorship, you automatically agree to the Terms and Conditions for Alison Field Coaching.

Disclaimer for Alison Field

Releasing Trapped Emotions or any other imbalances using energy healing or any other type of modality practiced by Alison Field on this site is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not medical advice, and users should consult with a healthcare professional for health concerns. Energy healing is recognised as a complement to conventional medical care. Sessions are strictly confidential, and personal information is never shared. No claims are made regarding healing or recovery from any illness, and use of this information is at the user's own risk. By viewing or using this website, users consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in New South Wales, Australia, and waive any jurisdictional, venue, or inconvenient forum objections to such courts.

Terms and Conditions for the supply of services 2023- Alison Field Coaching

In this document the following words shall have the following meanings:

a. "Client" means any person who purchases Services and Products from the Coach;

b. "Coach" means Alison Field trading as “Alison Field Coaching” A.B.N. 17244583101;

c. “Services” means the provision of coaching in a single Session, package of Sessions, Programme consisting of multiple Sessions, as tailored for the Client by the Coach or Mentorship;

d. “Information” means the provision of knowledge, experience, know-how and wisdom shared by the Coach to the Client.

e. “Products” means any physical or digital product created by the Coach and affiliated company.

d. “Agreed Payment” means the amount to be paid by the Client for the Session, Programme, Package or Mentorship as agreed when the Session, Programme, Package or Mentorship is discussed and organised, and as confirmed in writing by the Coach.

e. "Terms and Conditions" means the terms and conditions of supply set out in this document and any special terms and conditions agreed in writing by the coaching Coach.

f. Affiliated company is “The Alignment Code Pty Ltd” A.B.N 661 625 967

1. Interpretation

2. General

a. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all contracts for the supply of Services by the Coach. By paying the Agreed Payment, the Client automatically acknowledges and agrees to these Terms and Conditions.

b. These Terms and Conditions shall apply once a Client has made the Agreed Payment for the relevant Session or Programme to the Coach.

c. These Terms and Conditions may be varied, but only if so agreed in writing by the Coach.

3. Payment

a. Payment of the Agreed Payment for a Session shall be made prior to the Session. If the Agreed Payment is not received at the time of the session, the session will not proceed.

b. Payment of the Agreed Payment for a Programme, Package or Mentorship consisting of multiple Sessions, shall be made prior to the first session or as agreed by the Coach and Client in writing when arranging that Service..

c. The Coach reserves the right to charge a deposit for a multi-session Programme, Package or Mentorship.

d. Credit card payment is available via Stripe Payment Platform. Fees for using this convenient, third party credit card platform may be passed on to the client automatically at point of sale. Alternatively, PayPal is also acceptable and if this option is preferred by the client, the Coach is identifiable on PayPal as @alisonfieldcoaching.

e. Electronic funds transfer (EFT) payment option is available and if the client would like to use this option, please email the Coach and account details will be provided.

f. The Client agrees to include their name as the payment reference when making an EFT payment to allow the Coach to identify the payment

4. Cancellation and No-show

a. Cancellations and/or rescheduled appointments will be accepted if made at least 24 hours prior to the appointment.

b.The Agreed Payment (or part thereof in relation to a Programme) shall be forfeited where:
(i) cancellation is less than 24 hours prior to the relevant appointment; or
(ii) the Client does not show-up for the relevant appointment.

5. Refunds

a. There are no refunds. Any exception to this policy is solely at the discretion of the Coach.

b. All potential Clients are invited to ask for a demonstration of the Services if they are unsure what a Session involves or what to expect.

c. Should the session or programme not meet the Clients value expectations, the Coach agrees to a refund or partial refund, the maximum of any refund shall be the Agreed Payment for that Session less any direct expenses of the Coach in providing that Session.

6. Punctuality

The parties acknowledge that delays can be part of life and agree that:

(i) where either party is less than fifteen (15) minutes late, the Session shall extend for that amount of minutes, if possible, or if not possible for the Client or Coach, that amount of minutes shall be added to the next Session of that Client.

(ii) if the Coach is more than fifteen (15) minutes late without notice, the Client shall be entitled to rebook the Session or receive a full refund.

(iii) if the Client is more than fifteen (15) minutes late, the payment for that Session will be lost unless otherwise arranged by the Coach.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

a. All content, materials, trademarks, logos, designs, proprietary ideas, know-how, session formats and any other intellectual property displayed or made available through services, products and information are the exclusive property of Alison Field Coaching and The Alignment Code Pty Ltd, and are protected by applicable intellectual property laws.

b. You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights related to services, products and information including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and any other proprietary rights, shall remain the sole property of Alison Field Coaching and The Alignment Code Pty Ltd.

c. No part of the services, products and information may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, except as expressly permitted by these terms and conditions or with prior written consent from Alison Field Coaching and The Alignment Code Pty Ltd.

d. No part of the services, product and information may be given to a third party entity (individual, corporation or organisation etc) to be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted, or transmitted in any form or by any means by that third party, except as expressly permitted by these terms and conditions or with prior written consent from Alison Field Coaching and The Alignment Code Pty Ltd.

e. The Client agrees to not replicate or reproduce products, services and information from Alison Field Coaching and The Alignment Code Pty Ltd or any information provided by the Coach to the Client during a session and present it as your own work for any reason.

8. Prohibited Actions

a. You shall not engage in any action that directly or indirectly violates our intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copying, imitating, reproducing, modifying, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or creating derivative works based on services and products without explicit written permission from Alison Field Coaching and The Alignment Code Pty Ltd.

b. You shall not engage in any action that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of any third party while using our services, products and information.c. Any unauthorised use of our services, products or information, including copying, reproducing, or distributing any content or materials, may result in civil and/or criminal penalties.

9. Recording

a. You agree that you will not, under any circumstances, record any coaching session provided by Alison Field Coaching without obtaining the express written consent of the Coach.

b. Recording includes, but is not limited to, audio, video, or any other form of capturing or preserving the content or interactions within the coaching session.

c. In the event that you wish to record a coaching session, you must obtain prior written consent from the Coach conducting the session.

d. The Coach has the sole discretion to grant or deny permission to record a coaching session and may impose conditions or restrictions on the recording as deemed necessary.

e. If term 9. is breached, the Coach reserves the right to discontinue all future coaching services.

10. Enforcement and Remedies

a. In the event of a breach of any of these terms and conditions, Alison Field Coaching and The Alignment Code Pty Ltd reserves the right to take appropriate legal action to protect its intellectual property rights, including seeking injunctive relief and pursuing damages to the fullest extent permitted by law.

b. You agree to cooperate fully with Alison Field Coaching and The Alignment Code Pty Ltd in the investigation of any suspected intellectual property infringement or violation of these terms and conditions.

c. If any terms are breached by the Client, the Coach reserves the right to discontinue all coaching services.

11. Confidentiality

a. All coaching sessions conducted by Alison Field Coaching are strictly confidential, and the content discussed during these sessions should be treated as such.

b. You agree not to disclose, share, or distribute any confidential information or personal details shared during the coaching sessions including from the Coach to the Client without the explicit written consent of the coach and any other involved parties.

12. Liability

a. By paying for a Session, Programme, Package of Sessions or Mentorship, the Client automatically waives, releases and discharges from any and all liability, including but not limited to negligence or fault of the Coach, for death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to the Client or his or her property, including travelling to or from a Session.

b. The Client indemnifies and holds the Coach and her affiliates or employees, harmless and will not sue them for negligence or otherwise.

c. The Coach is not a licensed doctor and therefore does not diagnose, prescribe or treat diseases or illnesses. The Services are not a substitute for professional medical advice and is for informational or educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of information you accessed through any Session or Programme. It is the intention of the Coach to provide professional coaching Services aligned with the highest level of integrity and professionalism and guarantees and warrantees of any kind cannot be and will not be given or promised.

13. Value

a. The Client is responsible for “getting value” from the Coach, and specifically acknowledges his or her right to have a demonstration of the Services in paragraph 5. above.

b. In the unusual event that the Client does not consider value was received and the Coach agrees to a refund or partial refund, the maximum of any refund shall be the Agreed Payment for that Session less any direct expenses of the Coach in providing that Session.

14. Harassment

a. The parties acknowledge that harassment of any kind, that being aggressive, sexual or anti-social behaviour, will not be implemented or tolerated by either party.

b. The Coach and her staff are committed to upholding values of integrity, trust and mutual respect, which includes zero tolerance towards harassment and any behaviour that is out of alignment with integrity.

c. The Coach and her staff are committed to creating a safe and enjoyable environment.

a. As a client of Alison Field Coaching, you acknowledge that it is important to disclose any relevant physical or mental conditions or concerns that may impact your participation in Programmes or Services provided.

b. By participating in Programmes or Services, you agree to provide accurate and complete information regarding your physical and mental health, including any diagnosed or undiagnosed mental conditions, medications, treatments, or therapies you are currently undergoing or have undergone in the past.

c. Your disclosure enables the Coach to better understand your needs and tailor Services accordingly to ensure your safety, well-being, and optimal progress.

d. The Client agrees to disclose if they are working with other licensed therapists, such as psychologists, or psychiatrists. If the Client is currently working with a licensed therapist, the Coach, with the client’s permission, will contact the licensed therapist to request permission to work collaboratively as a professional courtesy and out of respect for licensed therapist.

15. Disclosure

If any term or provision of these Terms and Conditions is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the provisions hereof shall continue in full force and effect as if these Terms and Conditions had been agreed with the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated.

16. Severance

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Australia and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Australian courts.

17. Governing Law