There was a time when I relied solely on will power to make things happen.

As a kid, it was obvious and my will power was difficult for others to handle. Back then my will power was called wilfulness but then it transformed into determination to make things happen and I was good at that.

Fast forward 20 years and that will power and youthful high energy became adrenaline-fuelled will power.

When I landed the corporate job I had always wanted, I was keen to demonstrate I was worth it so I came in early and left late until I knew the business inside out. A strategy that proved successful but I also conditioned myself into the pattern of overwork and self-sacrifice. Without balance and awareness of wellness strategies, I poured everything into the role and did whatever I had to do to get the job done.

What I didn’t realise was I was using sheer will power, not to make what I want to happen but to actually override limiting beliefs and subconscious programming within me that was not at all aligned with the reality I was doing everything I could on a conscious level to make happen.

I was not in a battle with the world or others as I once thought. I was in a battle with myself and even though I was taking massive action and maximising opportunities I had fortuitously landed through sheer will power, no matter how hard I worked, I felt the need to prove myself because on some level, not conscious, I felt like I was not enough.

  • So 'not enough' drove me to do and achieve more and yet despite my fantastic achievements and financial success, I still didn't feel like I was enough. After all, that was the unconscious belief I was programmed to experience and because beliefs are self-fulfilling, I couldn't not experience anything else.

  • When you are relying on sheer will power to force things to happen, it consumes a lot of energy. There was 10% of me consciously trying to override 90% of me subconsciously in conflict with the experience I was sacrificing everything to create. So I didn't take my foot off the accelerator and, while I wasn't experiencing the consequences of the way I neglected myself, I kept going until, of course, I arrived to where this pattern of behaviour inevitably leads us humans. Burn out.

  • Was it the environment? Sure but I could have had stronger boundaries and said no, and I didn't. I could have cared for my body and wellbeing more and I didn't. I could have found healthier avenues to balance myself and I didn't. Why? Because at the core of it, I didn't love myself enough. I was excelling in one area of my life to the extreme to unconsciously compensate for an area of my life where I wasn't coping well at all. It was a blind spot that a coach could have easily spotted in me.

  • I was programmed for the experience of ‘not good enough' and that unconscious limiting belief drove me to prove to others and myself that I was. Eventually the programming got the better of me and led me into exhaustion, panic attacks and then I really lost my health. Retrospectively, that was what had to happen to create the change back then I didn't even realise I needed.

  • Interestingly, although there were coaches available to me at the time and I turned the opportunity down because I thought I knew better but now I know a coach could have helped me to avoid that burnout and downtime to recover. A coach could have helped me to identify and set new goals, changed my programming and re-aligned me so that what I felt like on the inside matched who I was on the outside and then I could have transcended to the next level of my career.

  • Don't allow outdated subconscious mind programming to rob you from growing into more of who you are meant to be. I have learnt first hand that burnout and anxiety are signs that you have outgrown your current conditions or you have hit the ceiling of your subconscious programming. In order to level up all areas of your life and meet the challenges of this fast-paced, rapidly-changing new world, first you must up level your conscious mind-set and your subconscious programming.

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Now as an experienced Executive Coach

I help CEO's, executives, sales people, business owners, practitioners and coaches level up and people wanting to start their own business or make their business thrive.

This is the work I am renowned for, that I do full time and I do it well because I am a vibrational match for it. I am who I say I am to the world. I am in integrity and in alignment with my offer and I can help you to be in alignment too.

Alignment means being in harmony with yourself

After I left behind my corporate job and dream life, I took the time I needed to unwind, heal and recalibrate to my true self. I am blessed to have wonderful mentors and teachers to learn from like Dr David R Hawkins, Dr Bradley Nelson, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr Adriana James, Eckhart Tolle, and Joshua Rosenthal. I am passionate about and have invested substantially in education and professional development. I am a Certified Emotion Code® and Body Code™ Practitioner, Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Trainer, Certified IIN Health Coach, Certified Master Coach and have a Diploma of Hypnotherapy to name a few but what I have to offer is more than coaching concepts, process coaching and modalities.

Would you be prepared to do whatever it takes to make what you want happen?

I am truly grateful for my experience in the corporate world that gave me the international platform to manage relationships with clients and suppliers from around the world. To find new products and take them from idea or prototype to distribution en masse globally. To have exposure and experience to all parts of a business and vertical market across international territories. To do business with individuals from globally recognised brands and corporations, at the highest level. The success of the products ranging from tens of millions of dollar to billions of dollars per month, allowed me to become financially free in my 30’s. A feat that didn’t come from wishful thinking but taking action, making a lot of personal sacrifices and running on adrenaline-fuelled will power.

Are you ready to stop running on adrenaline-fuelled will power and experience what alignment feels like?

I know first hand what it takes to get the right role in the right company, rise up and thrive in a demanding but lucrative corporate role, how to do your best so you can be the best and how to become a high performing sales executive. I know how to overturn a market monopoly, restructure a business, manage challenging personalities, reach and stay at the top of my game. I know how to handle rejection, deal with competitor envy and sabotage and have experienced harassment of all kinds.

I took a business heading into extinction and led my team to transform it into generating revenue 70 times our daily budget in less than 18 months with a suite of new products and brands, creating global impact and a legacy of income for future generations for those involved.

I had the tenacity and courage to let go of my lucrative corporate role, back myself fully when everyone thought I was crazy, follow my passion, reinvent myself and start my own business in a totally new industry.

So I know how and what it takes to make the quantum leap from the safety and security of full-time employment to rolling the dice and starting my own business and transform it into an international success without any advertising, website or social media.

I have done it and now I know what it feels like to be free: financially free, location-free, able to think freely and be free to manifest creatively whatever I want. Now I can help you to be free too.

Alignment equals results

Are you seeking success that sets you free? I serve people just like you to help them become successful or amplify success already achieved by prioritising wellness and adopting sustainable, healthy lifestyle practices, and deleting outdated subconscious programming that no longer serves them so they can be fully authentic, reconnect with themselves and develop the self-trust and unconditional confidence required to take action with unwavering conviction regardless of the conditions and make what they want in their heart happen.

Are you ready to level up your mindset and programming so you can advance your career or start your own business?

Now as an accomplished Executive Coach, I can help you align with your most authentic self and take that idea you have in your mind for your future life and bring it into physical reality.

Let’s get started with my signature programme.