3-Hour Personal Evolution Package AUD $945

Get to the heart of any problem, clear your heart wall, experience the wellness that a holistic health consultation brings, heal family relationships, install a new quality like self-trust or improve your relationship with yourself in this 3 x 1 Hour Session Package!


  • Work on one topic or 3 different topics over 3 hours (not consecutively)

  • Reprogram your subconscious mind

  • Learn new conscious mind hacks and strategies

  • Get clear on your goals

  • Get to the heart of ANY problem

  • Identify and let go of subconscious blocks to goals

  • Identify specific beliefs limiting you

  • Exchange limiting beliefs for positive beliefs

  • Discover unconscious behaviours preventing you from making progress

  • Become a vibrational match for what you want and do

  • Transform how you feel in the first 60 minutes

  • A Mini Alignment Assessment is included in each session

  • Package can include Values Alignment Session, Change Your Beliefs Session, Create Your Ideal Reality™ Session for personal themes

  • Package can include Holistic Health Assessment, Heart-Wall® Clearing, Emotion Code®/ Body Code™ Session experience, The Alignment Code™ Session experience

What You Need To Know

1. 3 Hour Package with Certified Master Coach Alison Field

2. 3 x 1 Hour Sessions

3. Personal Theme (does not include money and business themes)

4. English only

5. Combination of coaching concepts and modalities to achieve session goal

6. You can choose the theme or the theme can be determined in the session

7. An invoice will be provided for the tax deductible service

8. Credit card payment or electronic funds transfer are accepted

9. Terms and conditions automatically apply when you pay for a session

Personal evolution themes include:

  • Set boundaries

  • Be unconditionally confident

  • Reach healthy self-esteem

  • Return to authenticity

  • Develop new qualities like self-respect, honour and self-belief

  • Feel worthy and empowered

  • Be fearless

  • Become emotional trustworthy and emotionally resilient

  • Be able to control your state

  • Expand your behavioural flexibility

  • Integrate new programming for the new world

  • Accelerate personal evolution and self-awareness

  • Maximise life and your meet potential

  • Discover life purpose and lessons for this lifetime

  • Know your value and communicate it

  • Develop faith, trust and intuition

  • Increase motivation

  • Upgrade technology skills

  • Integrate new values for health and fitness, life and romance

  • Improve memory and cognition

  • Embody wellness & fitness and practice healthy living

  • Weight loss

  • Reverse age programming and anti-ageing

  • Increase fertility

  • Be more present

  • Improve communication skills and self-express

  • Become self-sufficient

  • Balancing the masculine and feminine energies

  • Reconnect with your spirituality

  • Heal your inner child & shadow aspects

  • Remember and resolve past lives

  • Clear karma and discover soul contracts

  • Change limiting beliefs

  • Improve sleep

  • Navigate a crisis well and self-reinvention

  • Be able to forgive

  • Become financially trustworthy

  • Become self-disciplined and trust yourself

  • Take responsibility for your experience and self

  • Activate creativity, super intelligence, super human skills and spiritual gifts

  • Feel grounded and centred

  • Develop positive coping skills and a positive mindset

  • Cultivate more gratitude

  • Learn how to love and accept yourself

  • Overcome stress, anxiety and depression

  • Transcend self-devaluation

3-Hour Personal Evolution Package AUD $945

Allow me to support and guide you through the process of change