NLP Trainer, Executive Coach and Business Woman

I coach and mentor businesspeople to release limitations in the way of…

Advancing their career

Professionally evolving into business ownership

Reinventing themselves

Levelling up personal income

Generating the freedom and success they want

Fast-tracking growth to more of who they truly are

I have coached a lot of businesspeople and the one thing in common that holds them back is outdated subconscious programming.

Welcome! I’m Alison Field. I am an Executive Coach, creator of The Alignment Code™ app and owner of multiple successful businesses. I coach businesspeople: CEO’s, executives, salespeople, coaches, practitioners, business owners and people who want a competitive edge. 

I help businesspeople reinvent themselves, level up their life or career or bust out of employment and start their own thriving business by breaking through the ceiling of what one thinks is possible.

I mentor my clients to cultivate the personal power and instil in them the absolute self-trust they require that generates wealth, freedom, fulfilment and success no matter how you define it. 

Become a vibrational match for what you are calling in before you take action

I know the feeling of when a dream run comes to an end. I have met with the daunting idea of a career change and starting all over again. I understand how scary it feels to be forced to reinvent yourself and have no idea where to start. I get how easy it is to work too hard, too long and to the point of exhaustion and be plagued by anxiety. I know what it feels like to be held back from expanding because of limiting beliefs.

Then with courage I made the change many avoid. I left behind a lucrative corporate job. I took the time to catch my breath. I unwound and recalibrated. I learnt to take care of myself. I dealt with the parts of me that I had ignored and resolved the upsets of the past. I prioritised healthy living and became well and fit. I retrained, upskilled and worked on myself, by reprogramming my subconscious mind, and become a stronger, more resilient and authentic version of myself. 

Now is the time to level up!

After almost a decade as a coach, it is an honour to continue to take my clients to the next level of their career and guide them through this transitional stage called change so they feel supported and have the certainty that they can do it because they have a coach who has been there and has done it, successfully.

Now I live with the freedom most people dream of. I have multiple businesses which provide with me with prosperity to do whatever I want, I have zero debt, I am fit and feel youthful vitality and have the time to invest in creative projects aligned with my purpose.

Why waste time, money, and your health in a situation that you have outgrown

Allow me to support and guide you through the process of change. 
Book my 6 hour signature programme.

Trust in God - Alignment - Heal the world

How can coaching with me help you?

  • I use a combination of coaching concepts as well as several leading-edge modalities to bring about the conscious and subconscious change required for an individual to be congruent and aligned with their goal.

  • Utilising proprietary technology, I get to the heart of the problem quickly and help my clients to identify specific limiting beliefs, patterns of behaviour, negative thoughts and other incongruence at the unconscious level that lead to unwanted circumstances and a lack of results.

  • I draw upon my professional experience and my own personal growth journey and share this wisdom and know-how with my clients to give them the faith and courage that they can do it too.

  • I assist my clients to get crystal clear on the outcome, release outdated programming and install new programming so the client can overcome their conflicts, neurologically level up and physically materialise what is wanted.

I help my clients to…

  • Be in alignment with their goals

  • Increase their income

  • Start their own business

  • Professionally level up

  • Reinvent themselves

  • Value self and communicate it

  • Communicate assertively

  • Develop unconditional confidence

  • Cultivate mental fortitude for success

  • Learn to regulate one's state

  • Develop focus and motivation

  • Master behaviour flexibility

  • Develop healthy self-esteem

  • Maximise their life and meet their potential

  • Programme subconscious for anti-ageing

  • Cultivate conscious positive habits

  • Experience new levels of vitality and wellness

  • Become financially resilient

  • Install self-belief

  • Develop an entrepreneurial mind-set

  • Rebuild after a major set-back

  • Become self-trusting

  • Adopt positive coping skills

  • Become super resilient to change

  • Create sustainable practices for longevity

  • Set and hold strong boundaries

  • Become proficient in public speaking

  • Navigate crisis well

  • Access their creativity and gifts

  • Achieve and maintain ideal weight

  • Find meaningful, purpose-aligned work and more

Are you ready?

Allow me to support and guide you through the process of change. 
Book my 6 hour signature programme.

You don't have to put up with…

Anxiety, overwhelm and debilitating stress. Tolerate uncertainty, lack of clarity, and feeling stuck. Give into stagnation, fear and lack of results.

Invest in you…

And save yourself the time, money and pain of trial and error and with a coach who not only has the education but also has the life experience.

Why do I love the work I do?

It wasn't so long ago, I was where you are. Despite the incredible platform I had risen to professionally, I couldn't progress further. I felt stuck. I lacked clarity. I had run out of steam. The future was uncertain. I was anxious. I had hit the limit of what my subconscious programming allowed me to experience.

I wasn't taking care of myself in a sustainable way that supported me and allowed me to thrive. I didn't have the beliefs or mindset I actually needed to make the quantum leap to the next level. I didn't have a coach who could have showed me what the next level was and how to get there.

I thought I knew it all but I wasted time in the process of change. I lost opportunities I wasn't a match for. I stagnated in the loss of my identity and struggled not knowing who I was becoming. I felt ashamed for changing and for feeling like I had outgrown my circumstances that even by most peoples standards, were more than fantastic.

What if what you want is only a belief change away?

Then I found professional development coaching. Coaching showed me it was possible to make peace with the past and release what was holding me back. Coaching gave me the clarity to see what the next level looked like and aligned me to it so I could get there faster.

It was through coaching that I learnt about limiting beliefs and the empowering truth that we have the power to change our lives by changing our beliefs.

Now I have a successful coaching business that produces consistently growing revenue, I have the freedom to work when and wherever I want and I am able to do meaningful work to support businesspeople from all over the world to break through their limitations and take their earning capacity to the next level.

I can be that coach for you!

  • I have already achieved what you want and I can direct you to the next level whether you know where you are going or not.

  • I will show you how to let go of what's in the way, align with your goals and step into the next inevitable chapter of your exciting professional path.

  • I am passionate about growth and people meeting their potential because they are in alignment. It is my highest joy to help people to grow and to close the gap between where they are and where they want to be so they can become more of who they are meant to be in this world.

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There has never been a better time than now

Allow me to support and guide you through the process of change. 
Book my 6 hour signature programme.